Welcome to Found Colour, the online portfolio of me, Patrick Kavanagh.
I am a graphic designer and a frontend web developer and designer.
I absolutely love what I do and would love to work with you
on any projects that I might be suited for! If you
are interested, just give me a shout!

My name is Patrick Kavanagh. I am a graphic designer and web developer and designer from Wexford, Ireland. FoundColour.com is my little bit of the web to showcase some of my work and to tell you a little bit about myself. I have almost nine years experience in graphic design and web design & development. I loved arts and crafts as a kid (and lego!), and have been obsessed with design and digital and print media since my teenage years! I enjoy creating websites, logos, brochures, magazines, posters, letterheads, birthday invitations, icons, wallpapers, advertisements, basically I like to do any kind of graphic work be it for digital media or print media! I am constantly learning and improving and my huge passion for design drives me to put my very best and more into all of the projects I work on.
At the moment I am working as a freelance designer and am available to work on any design project that you might have in mind. Also, if you like what you see here, I would love the opportunity to come work with you and your team at your design company should any vacancies open up! You should get in touch if you would like me to work with you!
In addition to my obsession with everything design related, I also like music, all kinds of music, movies, I loved the Dark Knight and I love the Clerks movies and Snatch (and loads more!), football, video games, game of fifa anyone?, TV shows, The Wire - epic!, can't get enough of Community or Spaced, gadgets & technology, HTC Desire!, oh and I do like chocolate...a lot!
I have a good knowledge of a number of programs and technologies including the following:-
- Joomla
- jQuery
- Flash
- Cinema4D
- Photoshop
- InDesign
- Illustrator